Ha-Ji-Meh-Mush-Te. While irritating teenage girls are crazing over my country, Korea. Trying to speak Korean. I’m learning a new Jap word everyday.

Speech by Mr Chan was amazing btw.

Alright… I’ve lost. I really overestimated or perhaps underestimated the power of graduation ceremony.

People in my class ARE emotional. Now I have to tell the most undesirable lie ever.

Why? Because people are too emotional….. Nah!

Just Kiddin!! Seriously. Pls dont be mad at me. I’ll go nuts.

To a far extent, do I admit defeat from the bet yesterday with the pig alicia(sry cant use correction tape during olvls). However, the biggest pain in life is not defeat but regret. Ok stop bull shitting.


Alright, no offence to people who cry often. Because I cry often too. I cry at the most ridiculous moments. When I cant sleep at night. It gets so frustrating when you just lie there and stare at the horrendous white ceiling of your room. So I’ve learnt to cry myself to sleep, because crying burns HUGE Shananay amount of calories/fats/energy/etc/. Thus I tend to feel tired and fall asleep after that…

Ok that  made absolutely no sense. FYI I do not cry myself to sleep. Oo…. or do I?


I’m happy. But I’m not going to tell the reason out here. Just because when I told them why….. They called me a homosexual. – -” So not talking bout it. PLUS, its nothing homo seriously dude.

Factor #3

I ABSOLUTELY have nth against Miley Cyrus. PLS people!! Stop annoying me with that. I HAVE NTH AGAINST HER. I just love making fun of her thats all. Ps. I do listen to her song. JUST 1!!!!


There’s no need for number 4 because you only need to explain 3 factors in SS dumbass.












Dont you just find it irritating when Emails always have that * thing above, I will tend to scroll super fast. Then, when I see the picture zoom past, I will scroll back up and see some disturbing images. Its just so annoying.

Ok nvm here’s the pic:


Oh my gosh. Soooo cute.*Pinch her lard* My eyes are super big here! But my mouth is screwed. hah!

It was a day full of camwhoring. Too bad I didnt bring my camera. Nvm, saving it for prom.

But then everyone will bring their big ass DSLR/SLR there, and pathetic me can only use a digital camera. Nvm, shall bring those that uses film. YAY! Authentic, dont know why but yea.

L6/12 !!!
Actually, I think I would fail the questions because my “factors” are not linked at all. – -” *does that no link sign.

Shit. Look at what 10hrs of ss did to me.

Peace out home dawg!

This is my last post. Goodbye world. Back on 13/11/2009 =]